by Team Borelli on Jul 18, 2015 News
 Joe Borelli (R- South Shore) has officially filed his certificate of acceptance to be on the November 3rd ballot for the special election to replace Vincent Ignizio in the 51st Council District.   City Council special elections are non-partisan, meaning the candidates may not run on the Republican or Democratic lines.  Instead, Borelli will appear on the “South Shore First Party” line. 
Earlier in the week, Borelli filed nearly double the amount of petition signatures needed to qualify for the ballot within one day of Mayor de Blasio announcement the date of the election, which opened up the process.  Opponents had three days to file objections to those petitions with the Board of Elections. However, none did before the midnight friday deadline. 
Additionally, Borelli raised over $57,000 in the few weeks since Ignizio announced his intention to resign. This is the second-most of any council candidate in the city for this period, despite the special election rules requiring all maximum contributions be cut in half from what they normally are in general elections. He also met the 75 separate in-district donor threshold and qualified for up to $97,350 in the city’s public matching funds, which he does not plan to accept in this race. 
“I am extremely proud of the work #TeamBORELLI and I have done over the last few weeks, and look forward to taking this fight to city hall,” said Borelli.  “As we knocked on doors and spoke with voters at the supermarkets, the message we heard was loud and clear – the people of the south shore are unhappy with the administration at City Hall and the leadership in the Council.  They want someone to continue the work of Vinny Ignizio and partner with Minority Leader Matteo to ensure their voices are heard.  I look forward to carrying the banner for the middle class homeowners in the  outer boroughs who feel disconnected to an increasingly radical city hall.”